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Ganze Unterkunft
14 Gäste
8 Schlafzimmer
5 Badezimmer

manuring of olive trees  , ovvero concime agli olivi !


Donnerstag, 07 Februar 2013 21:24

hard working ! duro lavoro sotto la neve!

in Bucine happen even this!


Mittwoch, 30 Januar 2013 22:03

Goats , anche questo è lavoro !

in Bucine happen even this!


Freitag, 04 Januar 2013 16:10

Auguri per un grande 2013 - the Berglind




Mittwoch, 12 Dezember 2012 22:01

firewood for the winter

It's time to olives harvest! All the family at work...


Freitag, 07 Dezember 2012 20:15

you will not believe , it are good mushrooms

It's time to olives harvest! All the family at work...


Dienstag, 04 Dezember 2012 22:46

un amico ,GIORDANO family

 una grande famiglia




 Wild boar sausages in Villa


Montag, 19 November 2012 20:00

It's time to olives harvest!

It's time to olives harvest! All the family at work...

